Found a Bug
When getting out to fix the car, the text reads that you die (being killed by the infected farm hand), but then you just continue on foot.
Other than that, great game. Very vivid.
Found a Bug
When getting out to fix the car, the text reads that you die (being killed by the infected farm hand), but then you just continue on foot.
Other than that, great game. Very vivid.
Could have more bio
You should show the sperm's flagellum breaking off as it enters the egg. It's for that reason, all our mitochondria come from our mothers.
::I am full of knowledge:: ;-)
Fun. Addictive.
Man, that floating spike at the 4765587.7 feet mark is a tricky one to get past.
A little wanting...
This is a great time-waster, like all good games. :-)
A problem I had with it were that it doesn't have a pause function. It didn't even ask to start before it started dropping blocks.
The block display, while looking cool, is not aligned. It's obvious those blue and red squares were positioned by hand. Most people won't notice, but I'm sort of obsessive.
Great job, overall.
If it were anyone but Pico...
Seriously, guys. Look at this game. It's not even tongue-in-cheek bad. It's just a plain hack job.
"But oh! It's a 'Pico' game, so it's automatically good!" No. Not true.
If I, or anyone else, made such a bad game and submitted it, you can bet it wouldn't have a 4.22 rating.
Challenging But Fun
I like this sort of game, where it actually forces you to get better at it before you can proceed. This is a lot like the Gemcraft series' methodology.
Nice to see the (in my opinion) beautiful Qt interface getting some use in a simulated computer interface. Being a Linux geek, this is almost as self-affirming as when the Nmap security tool made it into The Matrix: Reloaded.
Save game?
This game could be better if it saved your progress. It's a long haul through it, and too much to do in one sitting.
The controls were a little sticky; they didn't seem to respond for smooth transitions. Other than that, yeah. Very well done.
A great free program for viewing the universe, and its scale is Celestia ( ). Not only does it make you feel insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it does it in 3D!
P.S. The plug for the above program is completely related to this; I swear it is not an attempt to spam.
Not a puzzle
This is not a puzzle. Not even a little.
If your game does not work in Linux, I WILL vote it down.
Age 40, Male
Joined on 9/29/09